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2 Things That Will Motivate You To Get Stuff Done This Weekend

I don't know about you but I have a hard time getting motivated. If I'm going to get anything done I have to first hurdle over Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime to get there and let's face it--that is not easy task. But if you start slow you do eventually get somewhere.

1. A Podcast: Podcasts are great because they entertain your mind while you get on with other things, and once you're addicted to a podcast you find you don't want to just sit there and listen so you end up doing other stuff (like dishes and laundry). It's a nice boost if you're trying to get some things done because you're not stuck to watching something so you're free wander around and do what you need to do.

If you like the supernatural and history I recommend Lore. I just finished all the available episodes and started over. It's amazing. There's also a show on Amazon Prime that's was renewed for a season two so look out for that too but that will suck you into Couchland so watch it as a reward lol.

2: A Book: Audio books work about the same as the podcasts do, but traditional books are good for me because I always reach a point where I have feelings about what is happening and have to stop and talk about it (I talk to myself, my cat, and dog mostly but hey), but while I'm sussing out my brain I have a lot of nervous energy and will start cleaning or doing something productive until I have calmed down enough to go back and start reading again. Plus reading is always good for you anyway.

I just finished The Broken Girls by Simone St. James. It's a murder mystery with an added supernatural element. I'm glad I read it though I have feelings so stay tuned.

These obviously aren't the only two things--these are just the things that I find the most enjoyable.

What things do you do or listen to get you motivated? Share and comment below.

Remember to be kind and drink water.



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